viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

Comparing liveability for families with dogs in different neighborhoods.

Project One: Urban Geography

Comparing liveability for families with dogs in different neighborhoods.

This is our second post. We are going to present the methodology chosen to decide which of the three neighborhoods proposed is more appropriate or complete for families with dogs: Marroquina (District of Moratalaz), Recoletos (District of Salamanca) and Ciudad Universitaria (Francos Rodríguez). 

1.      Factors who make a neighborhood suitable or not for families with dogs:

·        Healthcare of  dogs

·        Leisure time of  dogs

·        Dog allowance on public places

2.      Indicators of these factors:

Healthcare of dogs

-          Number of Pet shops                                     

-          Number of Veterinaries                                              

o   Does anyone offer24 hours service?

-          Number of dog groomers                               

-          Number of Animal Shelter

Leisure time of the dogs

-          Number of Parks

o   Do they have dog zone?

-          Width of the Sidewalk

-          Number of dog walkers

o   Salary (€/h)

-          Number of trees

-          Number of dogs ( potential playmates)           

-          Public bags spots (to pick up dog mess)         

Dog allowance in public places                               

-          Number of Dog allowing hotels

-          Number of Dog allowing restaurants                           

-          Number of Dog allowing supermarkets, or other shops

We have also checked the Madrid city ordinance about pet owning: and we found some interesting issues about the how the owner must ensure that the pet behaves properly outside the house, what  time of the day the dogs can run free in the parks, etc.

3.      Weight of the different factors

4.      Analysis of the neighborhoods

a)      Marroquina (district of  Moratalaz)


·        Dog walkers: 33 advertisements. Variety of prices.

·        Veterinaries: 8 , all offer 24H  service.

b)      Recoletos ( District of  Salamanca)


·        Dog walkers:3 advertisements

·        Veterinaries: 5, all offer 24H service.

c)      Francos Rodríguez ( District of Ciudad Universitaria)


·        Dog walkers:2 advertisements

·        Veterinaries: 7, all offer 24H service.

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